Friday, February 5, 2010

This just in...

If you've been fortunate enough to be graced with Oliver's wonderful new segments from France, then you've heard the rumor about X-Factor becoming a competitive carpenter team. I'm here to say that is 100% true. Sponsorship has seen a decrease in the past few years so your favorite team X-Factor has picked up a 2nd job to stay alive. We will be competing in the MCCL (the Mexican Carpenters Competitive League) and traveling all over Southern America. With Alex at the helm we won't settle for anything but 1st place.

One thing Oliver forgot to mention was the Ironmen have also picked up a new hobby along with the huge pick up of Dave Youngblood. The whole Ironmen organization will be competing in the world's strongest man competition along with bodybuilding competitions. Dave Youngblood will lead the bodybuilding squad while Mike Paxson will lead the strongest man squad. I wish them luck with there new endeavors as well.

Video in question:

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