Ok, now on to the gun. As soon as I could get it out of it's case I had it aired up and ready to go. As with any eclipse gun, the only trigger adjustment I have to do is back out the top most forward screw. I have no idea what the screw is for but I've done with all my eclipse guns since 2006 and it always make the trigger perfect. With that out of the way, I donned the .689 back, my prophecy and tank and was ready to rock. The first thing I noticed was how much more stable the gun felt in my hands. The small distance added to gap between the trigger frame and reg was perfect. I felt like I was going to battle with a rifle in my hand, not a little pistol. This small changed helped the gun stay more stable as I ripped off a few good lanes into some Nebraska corn.
Mykel in the snake
Before Greg would hell at me for shooting his beloved corn we decided to get things going and play our first match. Right off the bat I noticed I was more accurate than I had ever been before. Instead of shooting the guy with the 2nd or 3rd ball, I'd catch him with the first right away giving them no chance to flinch away and hide.
Even the GEO 2 can't save stupid moves...
The second improvement I noticed was the air efficiency. I was playing the tall cake on the dorrito side and most of the games my job was to lock off the snake side if we got a G off the break. Basically what that meant was I was shooting 4-5 pods a game easy. With my old GEO, I'd have to fill up after every game. With the new GEO 2 Bolt, I could stay out on the field and run backs to backs if need be.
The gun didn't get an easy first road either. Over the course of the weekend I shot close to 15 cases through it. We got rained on. It got tossed in the mud a few times and generally got beat up like any gun would if you played 9 matches with it. And through all this it kept firing and never missed a beat.
Overall I was very impressed with the small changes that ended up having a huge effect on performance. If you were a fan of the GEO, then the GEO 2 is a must buy. I know there's some diehard EGO fans (aka Todd Morrow) still out there but for those who like the spool valve design, the GEO 2 can't be beat right now.
Pics can be found at PennerPics